Libby is getting over her first cold. She has all the symptoms: runny nose (to go along with her drool), coughing (she is startled away and wonders what that loud noise was and gives me the look that says, "Mom, why would you hurt my throat like that."), her eyes are weepy, her cheeks are pink, she needs mommy & daddy's comfort and fits right into the crook of our neck, and all the while she smiles at us- just because we are there.
I hate to say I have gotten a few laughs out of her response to her first cough, but I have also had sleepless nights as I listen to her difficulty breathing. She is quickly recovering and has been so grateful that Grammy & Nana are here to hold and love on her while mommy and daddy are at work.
Her 4 month doctor's visit is Friday so if there is anything residual we will follow up then and we will know where she is in the baby percentile. Don't tell her, but the are vaccinations too.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Plane Destination...Seattle
Libby's first plane ride was this morning at 6:10am from Omaha to Dallas and then on to Seattle. We made it safe and sound. Mommy and Daddy loved spending hours of one-on-one time with Libby. Libby ate and slept through the first flight, played during our layover and on the second flight. As we desended into Seattle she fussed a little because I think her ears hurt a bit. She helped us make friends with all the nice people in line for the airplane restroom. Did you know they have baby changing tables in airplane restrooms? Well they do. That was one of Libby's favorite places today because she got to spread out and kick her cute little legs.
Libby saw the ocean (Puget Sound) today. In all it's foggy, rainy glory. Water in the air and for miles stretching before us.
"You have a baby in a bar..." - Sweet Home Alabama. Ok, does it count if it is a winery, wine tasting? Willow Lodge is a beautiful hotel amidst many wineries. Seattle is amazing so far. Libby will be wearing her Husker red for the rest of the trip. More fun to come...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Zoo-animals in real life
Libby was delighted by the aquarium and the jungle. She couldn't stop staring at the water movement and animals she has only seen hanging above her (see also her swing and playgym).
Libby has seen all kinds of stuffed animals but this time they were real. Libby could not get enough of this new world. So much so that after the jungle and the aquarium she was so over-stimulated she had to take a long nap. She even missed the real "silly giraffe." Our life seems like a zoo but we know the Creator of it all has a great plan for us.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
My future is so bright I've got to wear shades...
First Huskers Game
Husker fan at 13 weeks!
Go Huskers! As it gets cooler at night Libby celebrates a Huskers Touchdown with Uncle Brent. After struggling to get the Nebraska game on the radio in Iowa, Grandpa Kubicek succeeded. Outside at our family campsite Libby enjoyed multiple Husker dress up outfits (due to poo problems). The cheerleader outfit we were unable to provide a picture of due to her quick change (sorry Uncle Alex) then she relaxed in her pink Huskers attire (thanks Grammy).
Friday, September 3, 2010
Peace in His Teaching
Isaiah 28: 17 This is what the LORD says—
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
"I am the LORD your God,
who teaches you what is best for you,
who directs you in the way you should go.
I was just contimplating what it means to "train" Libby to follow the Lord (see "Dedication" post) and He answered me in His word. In this He will give us peace like a river.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Mommy Speeds Home From Work
I race to my car at the end of the day and if you thought I was a fast walker before you should see me at 4:30. Then all the other cars on the road need to move over because I am on my way to see my baby girl! I run into the house and there she is. Libby smiles when I smile at her. She coos and tells me all about her day with intensity like I might understand. Until all too easily she gets distracted by the ceiling fan and gazes in wonder. Speaking of looking in wonder, did you know hands were so intriguing. She will stare and then reach for things and think, wow how did I do that? She then hears music from the Baby Einstein frog and smiles again. She arches her back toward me, like she is thinking oh hurry and pick me up mommy. I am all too happy to scoop her up and snuggle her close to me. Then I look into her big blue eyes and stand her in front of me and delight in this child of mine.
Size 2 Diapers
So Libby has officially graduated to size 2 diapers. Why do you care? Why is this blog worthy Well, Mrs. Poopy Pants may have not only changed her clothes 3 times today but also made Nana change clothes due to an incredible burst of...let's not embarrass our little princess. But that also reminds us how big she is getting. She is outgrowing 0-3 month clothes and size 2 diapers are for more than 14 pounds. Our baby girl is getting so big.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”- Proverbs 22:6
This was the verse of the day today. Which reminded me it has been one month since Libby was Dedicated to the Lord on August 1,2010 at Journey Church. What a joy to see this precious child that we prayed for being committed to the Lord. We desire for her to grow up in the knowledge and truth of who Christ is and what He means in our lives. We pray she will embrace her faith at a very young age and grow closer to Him daily. When the verse above says "train" what does that mean? We pray, live our lives as an example, and love on her and that is about all we know about training. I supposed the next series of books we will read with have to be guidelines, choices, discipline... oh my here we go. Right now I think I will just pray and love her.
Tummy Time
Libby is stronger than her mommy. She can do toe push ups when she is not snuggling with face on her blankie. When she gets lazy she finds that Noah's Ark brings animals 2 by 2 much to her intrigue. She loves the distinct colors and is fascinated with staring at them. (Thanks Grandma Joni!) Often Libby through a smile can talk mommy, daddy, or whomever is around into playing on the floor with her. (Thanks Auntie Jordie!) Sometimes we find it is just as fun to watch her discover new things as it is to introduce her to things myself. Turns out we can't and shouldn't hold her all the time, man we are already having to let her go and grow up some on her own.
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