Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day

We are so well loved by daddy! He surprised us with a special candlelit dinner at home. 
Daddy even got us both roses and presents. Jewelry and a maternity pillow for mommy and a pink puppy dog for Libby! 

Libby also got a heart box with crayons, stickers and a princess coloring book because we want to show her how much we love her all the time. And Jesus loves us even more, can you believe that?!
We love you all and pray you feel and knows God's love every day not just on Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fat Lip

Oops! Libby had a little fall...good thing she is tough and her lip looks worse than it was. Usually if mommy or daddy kisses it, anything is better in about 5 seconds. It is amazing what a little love can do for a booboo. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Nebraska Snow Day

Libby loves helping her daddy and playing in the snow. She made her first snow angels, caught snowflakes, and would not let go of the shovel. She didn't want to come in, even when she was wet through and cold. Next stop Colorado, she is going to be a trooper when we visit the Robinson's in the winter months.