Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Head Bob, Panting, Bouncing & Waving Hands

Libby is always so excited. She expresses herself so energetically. Now she is waving intentionally at mommy when she is feeding and as mommy is leaving for her work day. She does wave toward herself, but as Libby sees it that is waving.
Libby loves bobbing her head side to side. Especially while she is eating between bites, she must think it helps her chew.
She is going to have the strongest legs. (Just like Daddy, best legs at GHS 2000). She flexes her leg muscles and bounces on your hip all day long (if my arm could hold her all day long). That is how she keeps herself awake when she is getting tired as well.
Libby wildly waves her hands, and unintentionally hits when she is excited. She pants when she can't get any words out.Oh, the joys of an 8 month old. It is so fun to watch her develop.

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