"Little Pumpkin Girl" features Libby as a flower, kitty, pumpkin and princess. She is all of those to us. She particularly enjoys seeing herself on every page of that book.
Grammy & Grandpa joined us for 2011 Trick or Treating!
Meow, Libby the Kitty enjoyed her wagon ride door to door on Halloween.
she shook the backside of her costume as her legs raced up each path. When she reached the door she kocked as we practiced. Then she smiled and said hi to her Dundee neighbors on Nicholas Street. She held onto that candy for dear life and said "Thank you" unprompted. Grandpa even gave her a KitKat Bar.
Pumpkin carving...what a messy treat. Libby was a great helper!

Libby our little Pumpkin. She is pretending she is a funny pumpkin in the picture below.
October 30th was the Skyline Ranches Halloween Party. Our Honey Bee Princess enjoyed her first time in a bounce house and time with her friends Ana and Amina Teri.
Go Huskers! Our Husker cheerleader played with Will Nabity, a Husker football player (isn't that convenient) & Hudson & Lucas White, Thing 1 & Thing 2 to celebrate our NU winning season &Halloween.
Papa's work (First Data Corp.) hosted a Trick or Treat for family to visit FDR offices/cubicles.
Really Papa just wanted to show Libby off to his work friends. She obvisouly had a great time!
Libby is SOOO BIG this fall. 2011 Vala's Pumpkin Patch was even more fun this year in the sea of corn. I can't even imagine how big/tall she will be next year!
Halloween takes on a whole new meaning with children. Enjoy the fun of the changing seasons.
By the way much like her parents, Libby loves sugar.