Monday, December 17, 2012
Have I told you how much Libby likes the alphabet. She also loves calling her brother 00. Did you know that his name starts with an O and her name starts with an L? This is exciting every time we see one.
Baby Jesus in Libby's Tummy
The nativity seems to be missing a key piece. Guess where I found it? Yep in Libby's shirt. She wanted to have baby Jesus not just in her heart but in her tummy as well. The Christmas story from a whole new perspective.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Happy Birthday Jesus
Libby is a talented performer! She reminds us what this season is all about. Don't forget to sing happy birthday to Jesus on December 25th!
Libby had a booger and I let her know I would get her a Kleenex. My bad started there. Libby then put her finger in her nose and retrieved the booger. I then saw life in slow motion... The finger moved to her mouth and she proudly declared "gone!" I then gagged and said "I'm going to throw up!" Libby then said "do you want a bucket?" Jason could not keep from laughing. Just a funny story for you today!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Sleepy whispers
Just waking up from her nap, I whisper in Libby's ear, "I love you sweet girl".
Libby says, "Dank you(=thank you)".
I say "You are welcome" with a warm heart.
Libby says sleepily, "I love you, my mommy too."
Of course I want to snuggle her and hear her whispers, which are so precious in those moments.
I just wanted to let you in on our sweet whispered secrets!
Libby says, "Dank you(=thank you)".
I say "You are welcome" with a warm heart.
Libby says sleepily, "I love you, my mommy too."
Of course I want to snuggle her and hear her whispers, which are so precious in those moments.
I just wanted to let you in on our sweet whispered secrets!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
No Shave November
Look at that weird guy! Well his children and wife adore him, even with that animal on his face. But we do promote Men's Health and work camaraderie. Thanks for cleaning up for the family pictures.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Christmas Cheer x4
As we prepare to celebrate with family and friends we send smiles and laughter as a family of 4! Merry Christmas as we multiply our joy.
Each night we get to open a Christmas book. So far the biggest hit is Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas, but more spiritual books are to come.Christmas shopping is done thanks to planning ahead and friends who stand in line for Black Friday deals (thanks Kara).
Now we just need to find all the nativity Jesus's that are in Libby's bed because she insists on taking them to bed with her. I guess its a good choice so I'll let it go! Enjoy the season I hope you find your baby Jesus too...if not I'm sure Libby will help you find her secret hiding place.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
We are learning to say please and thank you consistently and without reminders. We are also enjoying our discussions about what we are thankful for often hearing " and me, mommy, you are thankful for Libby" "yes of course we are thankful for you sweet Libby girl! Thanks for reminding me."
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Little Pumpkin
Happy Halloween from Owen, our little pumpkin. Sitting in his bumbo just playing and talking. I can't wait to find out what he is talking about. But until then he is my little treat and I thought I would share with you. Owen, 3 months old...
Monday, September 17, 2012
Fancy Libby Loves Her Daddy
After completing her night time reading of "Fancy Nancy" our conversation went like this...
Libby: Wow that is fancy (pointing to my wedding ring)
Me: Your daddy gave that to me.
Libby: Did you say thank you?
Me: Yes, and I married him!
Libby: I married my daddy last night too. I'm going to be married to daddy too (very matter of fact).
Me: I guess we can share daddy.
Libby: Yes, you need to share him with me.
Libby: Wow that is fancy (pointing to my wedding ring)
Me: Your daddy gave that to me.
Libby: Did you say thank you?
Me: Yes, and I married him!
Libby: I married my daddy last night too. I'm going to be married to daddy too (very matter of fact).
Me: I guess we can share daddy.
Libby: Yes, you need to share him with me.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Family of 4 - Baby Brother Maternity
Our family of 4 almost...
Libby loves to give brothers kisses and zerberts. He can hear her talking to him nonstop. She doesn't even acknowledge mommy sometimes any more, just brother. I am glad she is including him.
I'm a proud pregnant mommy of soon to be 2! This little man is very active and I love every minute I get to have with him. Pregnancy is beautiful, because I have the joy of caring for for this child within me. So far I can mostly still see my feet and even in the hottest summer on record in Nebraska my swelling is minimal. Jason is keeping the AC and fans comfortable in our home and trying to explain to Libby it is just not possible for mommy to carry Libby and Brother all the time.
Our heart is in our hands and Libby just had to be included.
Here is our family tree growing...
This BIG Sister could not be more excited.
Libby wants to grow up to be a nurse too! She loves listening and going to the doctor to hear brother's heart beat, because he is talking to her. About 140 most of the time I am sure Libby gets the same result, but that is from the doctor:)
Libby says, "I wanna have brother in my tummy now!" Thanks for trying to share and take your turn Libby but this time only mommy gets to hold brother.
Kisses for all!
Gift from God. We will get to open and meet our special gift on July 31st or before!
May we all walk in the way of the Lord. May God direct your path Baby Boy Kubicek. We can't wait to celebrate your arrival and introduce you to your family and friends.
Special Thanks to Melissa Kroenke
for taking these special family photos with us at Elmwood Park.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Our princess is 2!
Our princess turned two, all we needed to celebrate was you! Thank you to all who were able to join us in spirit, through 2 years of prayers and/or at Kubicek Castle on June 3, 2012. Libby Ann Kubicek turned 2! In all her Cinderella glory this sweet princess started her day with happy face mickey mouse pancakes, making cute out cookies - rainbows - and a pink castle cake, Sunday school (for stories about "THE KING") and then back to Kubicek Castle to be showered with love and party time fun.
Libby smiling with all her teeth for the camera. What a big girl she look like here in her 2 year old photo shoot. Those are even big girl piggy tails per her request on her birthday morning.
What day is your birthday Libby? Quickly, "June third!" How old are you? "I'n 2, 1-2," with five stretched fingers (it is very hard to make a peace sign with one hand) so 2 hands with one finger each also makes 2, we are working on that. Do you know how special you are? "Yes, and friendly and nice and sweet and smart and loving..." Can you tell she has received a lot of compliments in her first 2 years of life?
Libby smiling with all her teeth for the camera. What a big girl she look like here in her 2 year old photo shoot. Those are even big girl piggy tails per her request on her birthday morning.
What day is your birthday Libby? Quickly, "June third!" How old are you? "I'n 2, 1-2," with five stretched fingers (it is very hard to make a peace sign with one hand) so 2 hands with one finger each also makes 2, we are working on that. Do you know how special you are? "Yes, and friendly and nice and sweet and smart and loving..." Can you tell she has received a lot of compliments in her first 2 years of life?
Princess Libby is her favorite princess today, Cinderella. She has embraced her gift from Mommy and Daddy, her very own playhouse in the back yard. Thanks to all the strong men that moved it there. She likes to squeeze Mommy (and brother) and daddy in there and then peak in through the window and say, "Hi neighbor!". It is obvious she likes our neighbors the Bosworths.
Look who made a guest appearance at Libby's birthday party! The princesses from left to right (in case you are not as well versed as we are these days: Snow White (Stephanie Heinauer), Cinderella (Kassi Nelson), Aurora - Sleeping Beauty (Rachell McClain). They look just like the real thing! Thanks for making my little princess' day!
Cousins 2 and 16! What a great year, we are so proud of you both! Happy June birthdays.
Monday, March 26, 2012
It's a...
March 14, 2012, family dinner at baby blue...ironic...
March 24, 2012
Deserts for all, no you can not see through the frosting on the cake. Jason did such a great job frosting it all you can is the big ? on the top.
Everyone gather around while we cut the cake (this seems strangely like out wedding cake cutting)...what color did mommy make the cake, Libby said Ba Loo. It is blue, we are having a Baby boy, Mr. Kubicek. Libby gets to have a brother in August!
Libby shared her blue balloon and mommy and daddy got to share cake and cupcakes with blue filling. What fun to start talking about raising a son and having a little brother.
We get to raise a leader for his family and community. We get to raise a strong man of character and integrity. We get to raise a brother to look up to and look out for his sister. We get to raise a gentleman to honor with women in his life. We get to raise a little man to be just like his daddy (I hope). So many new things to balance out our family 2 boys and 2 girls! Welcome son/brother we are so glad God has blessed us with you.
There he is and his special parts. It's a BOY!
Mr. Kubicek
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Libby can't wait to be a big sister. She like to give "our baby" zerberts, and kisses. Even though sometimes our baby gets in the way of crawling all over mommy she pats mommy's tummy to be gentle and love our baby. Libby says prayers for our baby every night and we love the friendship they already have. Libby has learned to count to ten but she often skips four, we really need to work on that. In August there will be four Kubiceks in our home!
Monday, March 5, 2012
American Girl Store, Chicago, IL
Everyone needs a treat when Mommy and Daddy have been away...Mommy and Daddy brought Libby/Shiloh an American Girl high chair seat from Chicago. And yes, it is from Mommy and Daddy, Daddy was a trooper at the 2 story American Girl doll store on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. I don't think he enjoyed it the way Libby would have with Mommy (actually I am sure he didn't) but he loves his daughter that much. 
Now Shiloh has a seat at the table. Libby is even sharing her crackers with Shiloh.
Shiloh is Libby's mini-me. She looks like her, can't go to bed without her, she has her own potty, her own bed that rocks as crazy speed including songs like rock a bye baby and silent night (yes I know it is a Christmas song), as well as stroller rides, diaper changes, clothing changes, clapping, praying hands and now dinner time with the family.
I am glad Libby is getting practice in being gentle, sharing and taking care of her babies.
Shiloh is Libby's mini-me. She looks like her, can't go to bed without her, she has her own potty, her own bed that rocks as crazy speed including songs like rock a bye baby and silent night (yes I know it is a Christmas song), as well as stroller rides, diaper changes, clothing changes, clapping, praying hands and now dinner time with the family.
I am glad Libby is getting practice in being gentle, sharing and taking care of her babies.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Love Day
Daddy even got us both roses and presents. Jewelry and a maternity pillow for mommy and a pink puppy dog for Libby!
Libby also got a heart box with crayons, stickers and a princess coloring book because we want to show her how much we love her all the time. And Jesus loves us even more, can you believe that?!
We love you all and pray you feel and knows God's love every day not just on Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Fat Lip
Oops! Libby had a little fall...good thing she is tough and her lip looks worse than it was. Usually if mommy or daddy kisses it, anything is better in about 5 seconds. It is amazing what a little love can do for a booboo.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Nebraska Snow Day
Libby loves helping her daddy and playing in the snow. She made her first snow angels, caught snowflakes, and would not let go of the shovel. She didn't want to come in, even when she was wet through and cold. Next stop Colorado, she is going to be a trooper when we visit the Robinson's in the winter months.
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